Set up GitHub Secrets#

The GitHub workflows in a project require several secrets set at the repository level.

Azure Credentials#

You need to set up the Azure Credentials secret in the GitHub Secrets at the Repository level before you do anything else.

See for more info.

It should look something like this:


  "clientId": "<GUID>", 
  "clientSecret": "<GUID>", 
  "subscriptionId": "<GUID>", 
  "tenantId": "<GUID>"

Bicep Configuration Values#

These secrets are used by the Bicep templates to configure the resource names that are deployed.
Make sure the App_Name variable is unique to your deploy. It will be used as the basis for the function name and for all the other Azure resources, which must be globally unique. To create these additional secrets, customize and run this command:

Required Values:

gh secret set APP_NAME -b '<yourInitials>-<appName>'
gh secret set AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID -b '<yourAzureSubscriptionId>'
gh secret set KEYVAULT_OWNER_USERID -b '<owner1SID>'

Optional Values: (such as if Twilio notifications are required!)

gh secret set TWILIOACCOUNTSID -b '<twilioAccountSid>'
gh secret set TWILIOAUTHTOKEN -b '<twilioAuthToken>'
gh secret set TWILIOPHONENUMBER -b '<twilioPhoneNumber>'


Deploying ARM Templates with GitHub Actions

GitHub Secrets CLI